The posts up to this point have mainly focused on personal character and conduct of gentlemen. Or gentlewomen, if you've been following this, too.
(The idea for this blog came out of a conversation with a friend about how guys never seem to know what to say to girls. However, they did seem to know exactly what not to say. The mistake is that they said the latter instead of the former. Thus, what not to say to girls -- however if you're using this to train yourself as a gentlewoman instead, more power to you!)
However, if you ARE a gentlewoman, then I will warn you that this post is more for the gentlemen. It deals with things that girls wish you'd do more often, because for some reason, they produce warm and fuzzy feelings.
Who DOESN'T like warm and fuzzy feelings?
So gentlemen: we've gone over basic things that you need to keep in mind. Think about what you're saying, be willing to try something new, don't be afraid to learn, and here's today's addition:
Pursue your dreams.
I know, we've all heard this a million times. We also all know how DisneyWorld is the place where dreams come true, but has anyone wondered why it costs so much?
(Let's ignore the fact that they want to make money for just a minute.)
Are any dreams free?
Any good ones, anyway?
Do you ever wake up in the morning and find out that you've won the lottery, lost twenty pounds and gained ten IQ points overnight?
Nope. Never.
Dreams are hard. It's difficult to dream. I should point out that I'm not using the word "dream: a moment of imagination that things are different than they are". I'm using "dream: a combination of two actions where one is a plan of action, and the other is carrying it out". Dreaming is a two-part thing. You can just think about what could be different in your life, but that's not entirely useful. It's better to think about what to change, and then go change it. It takes courage. It's risky. Sometimes it looks like you've failed altogether.
But like I said earlier, you only fail if you never try.
There is nothing more attractive than a man who pursues his dreams... and everything else he loves.
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