You've heard it said, "With great power comes great responsibility". Not all of us have a dear Uncle Ben who can tell us that, but it's circulated around the world enough times that almost everyone has heard it anyway. And I'll tell you something else: it's entirely true.
You may not realize it, Gentlemen, but you are leaders. Whether you want it or not, people look to you. They ask for opinions, encouragement, and approval. They look at how you act and model their behavior after you. A leader doesn't have a whole bunch of medals to show their courage in combat, or steadfastness in defending what they love. The leader is the one in the midst of the battle, fighting beside comrades and encouraging them. A leader isn't the one who takes the glory. He or she is often overlooked. The people who are aided, however, know exactly who the leader is. It doesn't matter if management knows or not. Frankly, it doesn't matter who officially recognizes you. True leadership is known unofficially, but it is known.
Gentlemen, I ask you: are you leaders?
In comic books, the leaders are heroes. They're known by specific colors: Iron Man's red suit, Hulk's green skin, Batman's black cape, or Superman's yellow and red S. Heroes in the real world aren't quite so obvious, but their work can be. Look around. Who are your heroes?
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