Willingness is something very important to keep in mind, but unfortunately, there isn't a lot to say about it. I could go on about some ways to be willing, but that sounds boring, so I'll leave it at that.
Anyway, today's post is about the aspects of willingness. The first one is self-control. There's a difference between being willing to try something new and going all out, trying everything you can get your hands on. That can go downhill way too fast, and get our new gentlemen into a ton of trouble. A fine line in gentlemanhood is figuring out where the boundaries are, and knowing when it's okay to cross them and when it's not. Trying a new restaurant? Good thing. Attempting to walk a tightrope three miles in the air? Not a bright idea. Gentlemen aren't addicted to adrenaline. Swooping in to rescue the fair maiden happens in movies, my friends. If it's in real life, I applaud the effort and root for your success. But don't be disappointed if your princess is in another castle.
The second aspect is purity in language. Not all girls like bad boys, and even the hardest heart can be melted by a man who can use choice words without swearing. Now, I'm not out to curb anybody's tongue and tell them that they're speaking incorrectly. To each their own. I'm nobody's teacher and I'm not your mama -- the way you talk is your business. This one is less of a rule and more of trait. But really... nobody expects a gentleman in a tux to be dropping f-bombs all the time, do they?
The last aspect is more of an all-around good idea and rule for gentlemen. It's called honesty. I know. It's old fashioned and assumed and "I already do that" and all sorts of things. But here's the bottom line, gentlemen: honesty is in. Lying, cheating, back-stabbing, secrets, and misconduct are all out. No good. Washed up. Maybe they got the attention of some bad boy loving girls a while ago, but if you're going to be a gentleman, they don't have a place any more.
Go be a gentleman today.
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