Welcome back, gentlemen of all ages! Prepare yourself, for now we head into General Part Two: Willingness.
Yeah, I know. Willingness?
Think about it, though. A lot of guys just don't want to be gentlemen. Why? Because that requires breaking out of a shell. Becoming somebody is hard. I don't want to put that down at all. It's difficult. It requires taking a stand, and some people don't like doing that. Being different is hard in the world that we live in, because one of two things can happen:
It's a failure, and you're crazy.
It's a success, and you're a genius.
It's all in the outcome of the plan. Plan accordingly, and you won't be crazy today.
It's surprisingly important to be willing when becoming a gentleman, and just as valuable as a gentleman. When becoming a gentleman, it requires bravery and willingness to take a step. And as long as you've taken a step, you're getting places. Kudos to you!
Once you've achieved gentleman status, it takes willingness to stay that way. Remember, one of the aspects of a gentleman is adaptability. If you lose your willingness, then you lose one key of gentlemanship. You can't adapt unwillingly. That only means you get crabby and drag your feet. You don't have to agree and adapt with everything all the time, because that's not gentlemanship. That's conformity. But adaptability does have its place when you learn how to use it.
I know this one's not too long, but it doesn't seem to need anything else right now. So go forth, gentlemen! Make somebody's day today.
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