Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Last Attribute

Heart is the last attribute of a gentleman. Leadership, courage, kindness -- all of these things make up heart. It is what pushes gentlemen forward and what encourages their followers. 

[encourage] -> [en] + [courage]. 
To give courage. 

I've said a lot about what I think gentlemen are. I said that they're knowledgeable. They learn from books and experience. They're willing. They aren't afraid of mountains in need of climbing or something new to be tested. And now, they're full of heart. They're leaders in the real world, figures that people can look up to for help and guidance. 

Gentlemen aren't always people who sip tea and wear top hats. They don't always walk around saying things like, "What ho!", "Elementary, dear Watson," and "milady". They don't always stick out like sore thumbs and make people wonder.

But the best ones do.

Gentlemen are hard to find these days. May this have helped, just a little bit, on your journey to better yourself. Step out. Don't be afraid. Learn. Encourage others and encourage yourself. Together, we can build a better world. 

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