Sunday, May 27, 2012


So knowledge is experience. But not only that: it's mistakes, accidents, and stories that can result in laughter, connections, and memories. Knowledge isn't all bad: if you went to a restaurant and had excellent service, you discovered a good experience. Now you have the knowledge that this is an awesome restaurant. You wouldn't have gained that knowledge if you never tried it.

This brings us to Point #2 of Knowledge:

Knowledge requires courage.

Although the Old Spice commercials may tell you differently, courage doesn't require you to immediately run out and try to wrestle a dinosaur at the edge of a volcano that's about to erupt. But it does ask you to step out and try something new. You may not like it. You might fall in love with it. Real gentlemen aren't afraid to try new things, because they know it expands their horizons. It gives them more knowledge that they can apply to their work, their relationships, and their lives in general. Without courage, we wouldn't have some of the best products on the market today. We wouldn't have some of the up-and-coming eco-friendly plans that are on the way. It took someone with courage to step out and say, "Let's try doing it this way." That can be a scary thing. You face down dozens sets of eyes to show them that things can change.

Gentlemen make a difference.
Are you ready to do that?

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